Fort Preble:
Fort Preble is a military fort located in South Portland, Maine on the campus of Southern Maine Community College. Built in 1808 by Henry Dearborn, who named the fort in honor of Commodore Edward Preble.
The fort was manned throughout the War of 1812, The Civil War, World War I and World War II by the Regiment of Light Artillery, the 21st, 33rd, and 34th Regiments of Infantry and also by volunteers and local militia.
During the Civil War, Fort Preble was involved in an altercation between Confederate Soldiers on June 26th , 1863. The Confederate Soldiers sailed into Casco Bay aboard the stolen vessle Archer undetected and captured the vessle Caleb Cushing which belonged to the revenue service. quite seas and calm winds forced the Confederate comander, Captain Charles W. Jabez Reed to burn the Cushing. The Rebel soldiers on both the Cushing and the Archer were captured and brought to Fort Preble.
Fort Preble was decommisioned in 1950.

Fort Preble is always a bustling attraction, there is always a collection of people throughout the fort, between tourists, college students and South Portland residents. But they are not always there to check out the fort. For the college students the fort is just something that is on campus, for the residents of South Portland, the walkways surrounding the fort and campus are just another place to walk. Its only during the summer months that you seen many tourists walking the fort, and paying the 4-8 dollars to get into the spring point museum.
(Pictures: All Pictures Beside The Old Post Card
Were Taken By Nick Leo At Fort Preble)
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